Iva Jankovic was born in northern Serbia. During her exploration of the world of philosophy, she discovered the art school of Etela Merk who consequently shaped her future art expression. Abandoning philosophy studies in Belgrade she moved to northern Europe in 2000, to live and work in the Netherlands. There she gained her bachelors degree in Fine Arts at the Utrecht School of the Arts – HKU.
Iva founded the brand M!DS in 2011. M!DS artwear took fine art out of museums and off houses’ walls and placed it on clothing, turning fashion items into wearable art. M!DS pieces are unique and hand-made by Iva Jankovic. Each piece of the M!DS collection has different drawings, made directly on the clothing.
M!DS has been presented at exhibitions and fashion events in Utrecht, Amsterdam, Vienna, Skopje, Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Brussels and Sofia.