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Crafts of India

The crafts of India are diverse, rich in history and religion. The craft of each state in India reflect the influence of different empires. Throughout centuries, crafts have been embedded as a culture and tradition within rural communities.


Textiel Factorij retraces the textile trade between India and the Netherlands and it’s influence on the Dutch textile colour, design, motives and patterns in the 17th and 18th century. During the 17th century there was a lively trade route between India and the Netherlands. Especially Gujarat and the Coromandel coast were important areas, where the Dutch East India Company, also known as the Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie (VOC) had set up trading posts and factories for the trade of cotton, indigo and silk.

Craftspeople, artists and designers

‘Textiel Factorij showcases that through cross-cultural exchange, art, experimentation, and different thought processes new ideas, designs and concepts emerge, enriching all involved.’

Product design for our customers

Textiel Factorij works with artists, designers, craft communities, artisans and design studio’s from various parts of India. Textiel Factorij is a vehicle, through which designers, artists and artisans collaborate with each other on a grassroots level. By understanding each other's needs, requirements, working methods, cultures you learn from each other and exchange knowledge. Together you take time and have the attention to experiment, try, fail, understand and create.
We help interior designers, international fashion houses, designers, boutiques, concept stores and retailers connect to artisans for product development, product design and commercial activities. Textiel Factorij understands the needs and requirements of the designers and artisans and mediates between the two taking local cultures and rhythm into consideration.

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